TerraSkin Stone Paper 16PT (28 x 38) --- card stock - White Sheet
Mixed Media: Oil, Acrylic, Oil Crayon, Pastel, Latex
TMIHEUC: 4/20/2014
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Original Fine Art
Oil on canvas
I came within a puff of wind of not going out that day. A strong gust of wind blew my hair back as I went down the path to the sea. The wave caps were white lines with pops of spray. I walked down to the edge and picked up a few seashells and cat eyes. Then turned and saw a glisten of turquoise. Wow! I've scored a piece of sea glass -- a shard of broken bottle that has been tumbled by water, sand and time into a state of smoothness that renders it treasure. Sea glass feelings that were once mostly ignored as trash. Now people collect, sell it and make things out of it -- from jewelry to sun catchers, frames, mosaics and even stained-glass windows. Now it was the inspiration for this painting. Sea Glass Morning!
Oil on canvas
I came within a puff of wind of not going out that day. A strong gust of wind blew my hair back as I went down the path to the sea. The wave caps were white lines with pops of spray. I walked down to the edge and picked up a few seashells and cat eyes. Then turned and saw a glisten of turquoise. Wow! I've scored a piece of sea glass -- a shard of broken bottle that has been tumbled by water, sand and time into a state of smoothness that renders it treasure. Sea glass feelings that were once mostly ignored as trash. Now people collect, sell it and make things out of it -- from jewelry to sun catchers, frames, mosaics and even stained-glass windows. Now it was the inspiration for this painting. Sea Glass Morning!
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